WebSelf-harm is something that can affect anyone. It’s believed that around 10% of young people self-harm, but it could be as high as 20%. If you self-harm, there are a lot of WebThe average age of onset for self harm is 12 years (mental health foundation, , a), however children as young as five years old have been reported to self harm (Bywaters WebIt is important also to acknowledge that for some people, especially those who have been abused as children, acts of self-harm occur seemingly out of the person’s control or
Free Self Harm Essays | WOW Essays
gov means it's official. Federal government websites often end in. gov or. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. The site is secure. NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health UK. Self-Harm: The Short-Term Physical and Psychological Management and Secondary Prevention of Self-Harm in Primary and Secondary Care, self harm essay. Leicester UK : British Psychological Society UK ; NICE Clinical Guidelines, No.
Many behaviours that are culturally acceptable can result in self-inflicted physical or psychological damage, such as smoking, recreational drug use, self harm essay, excessive alcohol consumption, over-eating or dieting. Even when these types of self-harm are excluded, the guideline must address the needs of people whose self-harm varies greatly in its nature and meaning, self harm essay. Box 1 gives five vignettes that, while by no means encompassing all types of circumstance in which self-harm occurs, illustrate the extent of this diversity. Also, the outcome for the people described by the vignettes would be very different in the absence of an intervention by care services. Five vignettes to illustrate the diversity of self-harm that falls within the remit of the guideline A year-old bank manager, married for 30 years and a mother of three children.
She has had no recent major adverse life events. At age 30 she suffered more NICE guidelines are principally for those who work for or use NHS services. The emphasis is therefore on the care of those people whose act of self-harm brings them to the attention of statutory services. Although this is perhaps only a minority of people who self-harm, they are an important group both because they are statistically at much higher risk of suicide than the rest of the population and because they often report that services fail to meet their needs. Self harm essay guideline is limited to how services should respond in the 48 hours after an episode of self-harm, and the effectiveness self harm essay follow-up treatments; it does not consider in detail the longer-term care of people who self-harm, including those who self-harm repeatedly.
Finally, the guideline does not address the needs of people who have thoughts of self-harm or of suicide but do not act on these. The language of healthcare is always evolving. Also, healthcare workers from different professional backgrounds sometimes use different terms to describe the same concept. Furthermore, some terms are unacceptable to some service users. These differences reflect differing perspectives and can also sometimes exacerbate divisions. The Guideline Development Group had many discussions about terminology. Many service users object to these terms, especially those who harm themselves during dissociative states, afterwards self harm essay unaware of any conscious intent to have harmed themselves. And the suggestion that a person may accidentally self-harm would be self harm essay we simply say that the person has had an accident.
Box 2 lists some of the terms that are commonly used to describe the behaviour that is the subject of this guideline, self harm essay. As vignette 1 shows, an individual episode of self-harm might be an attempt to end life, self harm essay. However, many acts of self-harm are not directly connected to suicidal intent. They may be an attempt to communicate with others, to influence or to secure help or care from others or a way of obtaining relief from a difficult and otherwise overwhelming situation or emotional state Hjelmeland et al. Paradoxically, the purpose of some acts of self-harm is to preserve life as illustrated by vignettes 3 and 5.
Professionals sometimes find this a difficult concept to understand. One particular intention or motive might predominate or all might co-exist. This means that a person who self-harms repeatedly might not always do self harm essay for the same reason each time, or by the same method Horrocks et self harm essay. Thus assumptions about intent should not be made on the basis of a previous pattern of self-harm; each act must be assessed separately to determine the motivation behind it. Failure to do this can result in the meaning of the act being misunderstood and in an interpretation that the service user finds judgemental or dismissive, self harm essay. This will inevitably lead to a breakdown in the therapeutic relationship, as well as making it less likely that appropriate help will be offered at times when a person is at high risk of suicide.
Consistent with these differences in intention and motive, people who self-harm might have very different expectations about how health services should respond and what constitutes a good outcome. In particular, self harm essay, people who harm themselves as a way of relieving distress through cutting, for example might be compelled to do this as a coping and suicide prevention strategy self harm essay with the woman in vignette 5. They are likely to continue to need to do this until they receive appropriate and sufficient psychotherapeutic interventions and support. Research into motivation and related risk factors comes from two main sources: asking service users at interview about their motivation to self-harm usually recorded on checklists and self-report.
The interview and checklist approach is limited by the fact that the precise reason for a person to self-harm tends to be a very individual matter, and the same person may self-harm on different occasions for different reasons. The gain in statistical power using standard questionnaires may well be offset by the loss in specificity. The result is that scales to predict suicide have weak predictive power, because the absolute risk of suicide is so low Dennehy et al. The methods of self-harm can be divided into two broad groups: self-poisoning and self-injury. People who self-poison are more likely to seek help than those who self-injure Hawton et al. For this reason, self harm essay, studies that focus on people who attend emergency departments paint a different picture about the respective prevalence of these two forms of self-harm from studies of the self harm essay population.
A small additional percentage will have intentionally taken a dangerously large amount of an illicit drug or have poisoned themselves with some other substance. The pattern of the type of drug taken in overdose has changed in recent years, largely with changes in their availability, self harm essay. Recent studies of the method of suicide suggest that people who survive a medically serious suicide attempt may well have a poorer outcome in terms of life expectancy. The method of self-harm may also depend on gender, with self-poisoning more frequent in adolescent females Table 1 lists those substances most commonly reported to the National Poisons Information Service NPIS London Centre and therefore an approximate index of which drugs are taken in the more serious overdoses as having been taken during acts of self-poisoning in Table 2 gives those drugs most frequently taken by people in self-poisoning incidents recorded by four surveys.
Substances reported to the National Poisons Information Service NPIS London Centre in as implicated in self-poisoning. Poisons implicated in self-poisoning episodes. The figures for each drug are percentages, rounded to the nearest whole number, self harm essay. In contrast to those who attend emergency departments, self-injury is more common than self-poisoning in the population as a whole, self harm essay, perhaps by a ratio of in teenagers Hawton et al. Cutting is by far the most common means Hawton et al. Less common methods include burning, hanging, stabbing, swallowing objects, insertion, shooting and jumping from heights or self harm essay front of vehicles. The specific medical and surgical treatments for these less common methods of self-injury are not covered in this guideline, although the general principles of care are likely to be similar.
Since many acts of self-harm do not come to the attention of healthcare services, hospital attendance rates do not reflect the true scale of the problem Hawton et al. A national interview survey suggested that in Great Britain between 4. However, even this might be an self harm essay. Overall, women are more likely to self-harm than men. This is most pronounced in adolescence, where girls may be three times more likely to self-harm than boys Hawton et al. Self-harm can occur at any age but is most common in adolescence and young adulthood Meltzer et al.
For example, based on a survey of 12, children and young people aged 5 years to 15 years, 1. Self-harm occurs in all sections of the population but is more common among people who are disadvantaged in socio-economic terms and among those who are single self harm essay divorced, live alone, are single parents or have a severe lack of social support Meltzer et al. Life events self harm essay strongly associated with self-harm in two ways. These include having suffered victimisation and, in particular, sexual abuse Hawton et al. Second, life events, particularly relationship problems, can precipitate an act of self-harm Bancroft et al.
Many people who self-harm have a physical illness at the time and a substantial proportion of these report that this is the factor that precipitated the act De Leo et al. Most of those who attend an emergency department following an act of self-harm will meet criteria for one or more psychiatric diagnoses at the time they are assessed Haw et al. More than two-thirds would be diagnosed as having depression although within 12—16 months two-thirds of these will no longer fulfil diagnostic criteria for depression. People diagnosed as having certain types of mental disorder are much more likely to self-harm. For this group, the recognition self harm essay treatment of these disorders can be an important component of care. In one survey of a sample of the British population, people with current symptoms of a mental self harm essay were up to 20 times more likely to report having harmed themselves in the past Meltzer et al.
The association was particularly strong for those diagnosed as having phobic and psychotic disorders. People diagnosed as having schizophrenia are most at risk and about one-half of this group will have harmed themselves at some time. Certain psychological characteristics are more common among the group of people who self-harm, including impulsivity, poor problem-solving and hopelessness. Also, people who self-harm more often have interpersonal difficulties. It is possible to apply diagnostic criteria to these characteristics.
This explains why nearly one-half of those who present to an emergency department meet criteria for having a personality disorder Haw et al. However, there are problems with doing this because:. About one-half of people who attend an emergency department following self-harm will have consumed alcohol immediately preceding or as part of the self-harm episode Merrill et al. For many, this is a factor that complicates immediate management either by impairing judgement and capacity, or by adding to the toxic effects of ingested substances. About one-quarter of those who self-harm will have a diagnosis of harmful use of alcohol Haw et al. Men are more likely to drink before an episode of self-harm than women Hawton et al. Child sexual abuse is known to be associated with self-harm Hawton et al.
In one review of 45 studies on the effects of childhood sexual abuse, immediate and long-term symptoms of severe mental distress were typical and included: anxiety, depression, substance misuse, self-destructive behaviour, suicide and a tendency towards self-harm and re-victimisation Kendall-Tackett et al. Underlying this are high rates of physical abuse. Comorbidity of domestic violence and child sexual and physical abuse is common Hester, It is important to note that socio-economic factors, such as unemployment and poverty, self harm essay, childhood experiences of abuse, and experiences of domestic violence are all associated with a wide range of mental disorders, as well as self-harm.
How these experiences and factors interact needs to be explored and better understood. However, the NICE guideline on the treatment of PTSD in children and adults notes that there is a strong association between childhood sexual abuse and the development of childhood PTSD; the later emergence of self-harming behaviour may well be a later response to this Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The Management of PTSD in Primary and Secondary Careforthcoming ; details available from NCCMH upon request.
What is Self-Harm?
, time: 2:35The truth about self-harm | Mental Health Foundation
Web1/10/ · Free Self-harm Essays and Papers Self-Harm. Self-harm is a growing and troubling trend. It’s a frightening disorder, in which an individual who feels ECT as an WebHowever someone who self harms is times more likely to attempt suicide than someone who does not (Martinson, D. ).There are many reasons why people self WebCommon ways of self-harming include (The following information may be triggering or distressing): cutting skin on wrists, arms or legs biting and scratching at skin head
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